Idiom | Example | Meaning |
1)Not to know someone from Adam | I don’t know him from Adam. (I do not know him at all.) | Not to be acquainted with him at all. |
2) To come of age | When he comes of age, he will have access to the fortune bequeathed to him by his late grandmother. | To attain the age of 21 at which the law recognises a person as an adult, capable of managing on his own. |
3)To be on the alert | The officer told his men to be on the alert for any illegal immigrants trying to sneak into the country. | To be watchful and ready. |
4) All agog | The children were all agog after the teacher’s announcement that a surprise was in store for them. | Restless with expectation. |
5) All and sundry | The mayor invited all and sundry to his garden party on City Day. (The mayor invited everybody, the ordinary people as well as VIPs, to his garden party on City Day. | Everyone, without distinction. |
6)Bag and baggage | My neighbours have left, bag and baggage, for another town. | Completely, leaving nothing behind. |
7) Black sheep | He is the black sheep of his family and is shunned by many people. | A person who badly behaved and not considered respectable. |
8) Bosom friend | Mary and Allen are bosom friends and always help each other. | Very good friend. |
9)Bread and butter | Writing stories for children is her bread and butter. | Means of sustaining life. |
10)To make a clean breast of | After her arrest, she made a clean breast of the role she played in the kidnapping of the young woman. | To confess something that has been kept a secret. |
11)To burn one’s finger. | Because of my lack of experience and insufficient understanding of the stock market, I burnt my fingers when I speculated in some shares. | To suffer loss, usually financial. |
These are several additional idioms for you.
Idiom | Example | Meaning |
1)To catch (someone’s) eye | There was a crowd and it was difficult to catch Danny’s eye, although I kept waving at him. | To attract someone’s attention. |
2) To take the chair. | Hamid was asked to take the chair at the meeting because the president was unable to present. | To assume the position of the chairperson at a meeting. |
3) To live in clover. | Winning the first prize in the lottery enabled them to live in clover. | To live in luxury. |
4) Crocodile tears | She shed crocodile tears when told that her rival would have to withdraw from the competition because of car accident. | Insincerely shown by unfeeling person. |
5) At death’s door. | The children wept pitifully when told their mother was at the death’s door. | Very close to death, dying. |
6) To the letter | The new boss is very particular and insists that all his instructions be carried out to the letter. | To do exactly as told to do, following every detail. |
7) Part and parcel | The school tie is part and parcel of our school uniform and it makes us look smart. | An essential part of something. |
8) To run riot | The angry crowd ran riot when told that there were no ore tickets for the concert and the police had to be called into deal with them. | To roam about and act lawlessly. |
9) A sight for sore eyes | The old man smiled and told his pretty granddaughter that she was a sight for sore eyes. | Something very pleasant to look at. |
10) A sweet tooth. | She was a sweet tooth, and is often seen buying cakes, chocolates and sweets. | To have a liking for sweets, cakes and everything sweet. |
11)Through thick and thin. | The brothers are very close, sticking together through thick and thin. | Through every obstacle. |
12)A wild goose chase. | They tried to track down the thief but it proved to be a wild goose chase. | Foolish and fruitless search. |
13) A man of word. | Everyone in the village respects Kassim because he is a man of word. | Someone trustworthy or someone who can be depended on. |
Remember: Do check the meaning of idioms that you are intended to use before applying in.